Thursday 13 November 2008

CheckMate - The Mafia Codes

Action plan

up to christmas holiday - 1-7

(12/01/09 - 18/01/09) - Filming

(19/01/09 - 25/01/09) - Filming

(26/01/09 - 01/02/09) - Logging / Capturing

(02/02/09 - 08/02/09) - Draft Editing

(09/02/09 - 15/02/09) - Draft / Final Edit

(16/02/09 - 22/02/09) - Half Term

(23/02/09 - 29/02/09) - Finalize Blog/ Final Edit


  1. What is your Name ?

  2. What is your occupation ?

  3. What is your ethnicity?

  4. What Genre (Type) of movie would you prefer?

  5. What would males prefer to see a Thriller, Romantic Comedy or a Horror movie?

  6. What would females prefer to see a Thriller, Romantic Comedy or a Horror Movie?

  7. What is your Favourite Romantic comedy and why?

  8. What is your Favourite Horror movie and why?

  9. What is your favourite thriller and why?

Christian Metz: Theory Of Genre Development

In Class we studied a certain list of films and identified the horror films in the list, and using four different groups that Christian Metz stated each genre goes through, and how each genre changes to suit the audience, we put the films in the catergory we thought it best suited.

These were the following groups:


  • The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari

  • Nosferatu


  • Dracula

  • Frankenstein


  • Carry on Screaming

  • Abbot & Costello meet Frankenstein

  • Scary Movie


  • Se7en

  • Scream

  • Blair Witch Project

  • Sixth Sense

Analysis of number of thrillers released and the Box Office successes of genre

Romantic Comedy

Codes and conventions

  • Always ends with a wedding

  • female character portrayed as independant

  • light hearted

  • humerous plotlines

  • centred around romantic ideals (True Love)

  • man and women fall in love

  • obstacle halfway through love story

  • they reunite with a happy ending

  • sometimes the boy & girl are hesitant to tell each other

  • leave eachother and comeback together

  • male and female do a grand gesture to declare love for each other .

  • sometimes third character ( Love triangle)

  • comic characters

  • Boy tries to win over girl(Verse visa)

  • Appeal to women

  • Flowers/Roses

  • Soft Music

  • Begins with Character


  • Pretty women

  • Runaway bride

  • Notting hill

  • My best friends Wedding


Codes and Convenetions

  • Supernatural occuranaces

  • to create fear , violence, terror, horror

  • central villan

  • graphic Villan

  • Gory

  • Blood Shot

  • Murder

  • Gross Killing or attacks

  • threats from a villan

  • Groups of children listening to Ghost stories

  • night time

  • foggy

  • suspence

  • tention build ups

  • can end with murder or evil successing

  • phycologically demented villans

  • zombies

  • errie music

  • flashy begginings


  • Texas Chainsaw masacar

  • House of corpuses

  • the hills have eyes

  • dawn of the dead

  • saw

  • childs play


Codes and conventions

  • Quick cuts

  • Quick camera movements

  • music that gives tension

  • shadowy characters

  • reflections onto mirrors

  • there is some suspence

  • black background titles

  • music flaws with quick cuts

  • heroes vs villans

  • cliff hangers

  • stopping big time crimes

  • jeopordy and violent confrontations

  • thriller climaxes when hero beats villan

  • saving his and others lifes

  • cctv camera shots

  • it is very wide seperated into sub genres action,conspiricy,crime,disaster,drama and horror thriller.


  • the godfather

  • the dark night

  • starwars : episode V

  • rear window

  • the ususal suspects

Analysis of a Romantic Comedy - Love Actually


The characters are falling in love, falling out of love, some are with right people, some are with the wrong people, some are looking to have an affair, some are in the period of mourning; a capsule summary of reality. Love begins and love ends. They flirt a lot. They are all flirting with love. At all ages and social levels, love is the theme. Romantic love and brotherly love is the hotchpotch through out the movie. Most of the movie is filmed in London, during Christmas and the characters all ended up at Heathrow airport a very uplifting note.

Main Characters
Hugh Grant - Priminister David
Martine McCutcheon - Natalie
Bill Nighy - Billy Mack
Gregor Fisher - Joe
Colin Firth - Jamie Bennett
Liam Neeson - Daniel
Emma Thompson - Karan
Heike Matatsch - Mia
Martian Freeman - Jhon
Joanna Page - Just Judy
Chiwetel Ejiofor - Peter
Andrew Lincoln - Mark
Keira Knightley - Juliet

Editing -The editing in a Love Actualy moves with the music of the movie. It begins with the shot of the couples expressing their love for their lovers, reletives or children.

Camera Shots

  • There are pans in beginning of the movie going across a street of people

  • Close up shots of the people expressing their love.

  • There are high angle shot from above also

  • There are shot reverse shots


  • A posh and busy area

  • lots of shops and public areas


Digetic - Dialogues are expressive low toned creating a romantic feel
Non Digetic - There is soft music at the begining

Analysis of a Horror Movie - Scream

A peaceful town in California turns into a bloodbath when a masked killer haunts the town. Sidney Prescott, a young teenage girl, whose mother was killed a year before, becomes the target of the mask killer! Her boyfriend Billy Loomis becomes the main suspect along with Sidney's father. Local Tabloid News Reporter Gail Weathers and Woodsbroro's Deputy Dwight "Dewey" Riley investigate and try to figure out who the killer is and if it's the same person who killed Sid's mom the year before!


The editing of scream is slow at the begining and then as the tension builds up the cuts get quicker and quicker.

Camera Angles

  • Quick Tilts

  • Slow zooming in

  • Pans

  • Zoom outs

  • Tracking shots

  • High angle shots

  • low angle shots

The sound is slow eerie music that builds up tension.

Mis- en -scene
A normal countryside house totally estranged from other people the perfect place for a horror movie. A alone girl gets a phone call and the gets killed typical horror movie.

Texual Ananlysis of Se7en (Thriller)


A dark masterpiece of modern thriller, which involves a veteran cop, Detective William Somerset who is about to retire, and Detective David Mills, who breaks in his replacement. They both become involved in a grisly, serial killer investigation. This twisted serial killer chooses his victims from people who exemplify one of each of the seven deadly sins.

Main Characters

Brad Pitt-Detective David Mills

Morgan Freeman - Detective LT William Somerset

Editing - The editing is Called Montage editing, a series of short cuts spliced together. The editing of the most inspiring title sequence which is done in black background and has title in white scratched writing.

Camera Angles

  • High Angled Shots

  • Medium closeup and close ups are used as characteristics of film noir

  • Another characteristic of film noir adopted by Se7en is the straight on camera angle.

Almost in every scene there are police or ambulance sirens, car horns, people shouting, car alarms, industrial sounds, footsteps, which create the city orchestrate. The sounds of the people shouting, car horns and car alarms,the sounds are a bit distorted and echoed. The song from Nine Inch Nail’s ‘Closer’ in the opening credits support the absence of the God theme. The lyric of the song is ‘take me closer to God’.
The dialogue that is used in Se7en also supports the absence of the God theme. This can be seen in the conversation between Somerset and Tracy (Mills wife) in the restaurant about Somerset’s negative beliefs and values towards bringing a child to this ‘shitty world’. Also this idea is demonstrated in the scene after the lust murder in the police office when Mills asks the owner of the place ‘Do you like what you do for living?’ and the owner replies as “No I don’t, but it’s ‘life’ isn’t it?”

The film is so dark that you cannot even see the borders of the frame sometimes. Lighting plays an important role in creating this dark and hellish city. Doe’s apartment is one of the darkest places compared to the other apartments in the same building. It represents his mental situation; this style has been taken from film noir. Other than that lantern, table lamp, standard lamp, desk light, street lamps and less artificial lighting are used to create a more authentic and hellish atmosphere.
Even the costumes suggest darkness. Mills and Somerset’s costumes are significant towards emphasising the idea of a black and white movie created in colour. The colours used for costumes are mainly black, brown and white. The style of Somerset’s old-fashioned costume is taken from the 1940’s film noir.

Script for Media
Media Film: Checkmate – The Mafia Codes
(2 minutes and 59 seconds) – Movie Time

The Mafia has its codes that all sums up to one code which is to do what ever it takes to gain power. It is the year 2011 the Mafia is working underground smuggling drugs from Rome and bringing it to the UK. During a consignment a Drug consignment worth 1 Billion pounds is gone missing and that consignment was given to Joseph Vilachi an undercover Mafia member acting as a foreign traveller from Italy. He is lured into a side street by Mafia Paid Cops, the Italian Mafia boss Antonio Salvatore Mosca had arrived just few hours earlier to make sure the bag had gone missing he came personally to speak with Joseph Vilachi, and this is where it all begins.

Character List

Antonio Salvatore Mosca – Tahir Hussain
Joseph Vilachi – Rafael Guimares
Tomasso Buscetta – Mohammed Sahid
Anjou - Koiy
Corrupt Officers - Mick Daggers & Asim Khan – Mathew and Zeeshan

Opening Scene

(5 Seconds) Shot 1 – The Voice – Location- City Centre /Top of the Bull Ring

Cut shots of buildings busy streets with a voice over from someone talking about the Mafia Codes. (High angle Shot)

Voice over

It is best to remove the cause of the mistake...... because that one mistake could be your last mistake

(5 Seconds) Special Scene – Local Coffee Shop – Try Star Bucks

Antonio Salvatore Mosca is vaguely seen in a coffee shop he gets a phone call
One sided Dialogue: Antonio... Speaking (Low tilt face Shot)

(18 seconds) Shot 2- The Assignment (Sutton Park/Wimbly)

Joseph Vilachi is seen meeting Tomasso Buscetta on a closed street Tomasso Buscetta Gives him a brief case with fake assignment papers. (CCTV Shot)
Joseph Vilachi is running from the coppers Mick Daggers & Asim Khan because they suspected him of drug dealing, then he is suddenly dragged into an alley by Anjou.

Mick Daggers – “Oi stop in the name of the law”

Asim Khan – “Stop Chatting crap and corner the Bastard”

When Anjou drag's him in to an Alley.

Anjou – “You'll be safe here”

Joseph Vilachi – “Get yo hands off me boy, who do you think you are”

Anjou – “Anjou” (Then with a Base Ball Bat knocks Mario out)

(2 seconds) Shot 3 – The Cube ( Try Police Interview Room/Normal room)

In the Cubed Room there is a table with a chess board and two chairs on either side
Just a zoom shot to the chess board with a random figure sitting on the chair.

(10 seconds) Shot 4 – Sleep Walker (Tilt with a zoom out) (Media Block Stairs)

The Anjou and Buscetta are seen climbing a set of steps, with Vilachi Blind folded.
While walking Vilachi wakes up after being hit:

Vilachi – Let go of me (while Struggling, but is held tight)

Anjou – be quiet and keep moving, Tomasso grip him

Tomasso – Yes

(2 seconds) Shot 5 – Behind Closed Doors

Asim Khan and Mick Daggers are seen opening the door to allow in Anjou and Buscetta Holding Vilachi.

(2 Seconds) Shot 6 –The Game Begins

Then the blind fold is taken off and Vilachi is asked to sit down on the chair while Buscetta stands behind with a gun. While Antonio Salvatore Mosca sits on the other Chair in a Calm way and puts his gun on the table.

They enter the room the camera slowly rotates from the door to the figure sitting down;

(15 seconds) Scene 1, Act 1 ( Shot Reverse Shot)
Antonio Salvatore Mosca: You’re late

Anjou: We had some cop problems

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: (Looking at the officers) I though I sent you to sort any cop problems.

The Officers: (look at each other and say) we thought it was handled

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: I don't pay you to think, I pay you do the job.

(1 Minute and 30 seconds) Scene 1, Act 2 (Shot Reverse Shot)

Then the Antonio Salvatore Mosca turns his attention to Joseph Vilachi.

Vilachi: Who the hell are you and how do you know me (Close up on Face)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Bring some enlightenment to the poor fellow (Then Tomasso Takes the Blindfold off) (Over the shoulder shot)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: The cops are after you Gang Members are after you,. Then you need money so you begin a drug assignment and poof suddenly the bag is gone. (While Antonio stands up and walks right to left)

Joseph Vilachi: What Bag? (Face shot)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: You see actually this last consignment was for me, you messed up Joseph, and you messed up bad. (Anjou is seen opening a bag and takes out a needle.)

Joseph Vilachi: No please...please.... I am sorry (Zoom out from bag to Joseph looking at bag)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: You see you are just like this.

Joseph Vilachi: A Chess piece

Antonio Salvatore Mosca; Yes just a pawn, you see this chess board (camera zooms onto a pawn) that is you. You see in order to check mate I must sacrifice the likes of you. (Cut shot from pawn to Antonio) The game we play is not just on the chess board, it is your reality where I control your fate.

Joseph Vilachi: You don't control crap

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: You see I do, Buscetta, a useful gentleman only required when needed. You see when I don't need someone I dispose of them (Getting his gun out shoots Buscetta) just like that I control even your fate. (Then Gestures to Anjou to dispose of him.)

Joseph Vilachi: Why did you kill him he's with you?

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Shhhhh you’ll wake him up. (Cut shot on Antonio)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: On the other hand Anjou here is a very useful Man, if you don't mind....... the syringe.

Anjou: This bottle here, my dear holds dangerous venom if injected in to the human blood stream it will kill the person in a matter of seconds.

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Tick Tock Tick Tock..

Joseph Vilachi: (trying to move away) Get that stuff away from me. OK, OK I'll tell you were the bag is I put it in this women's suitcase to get the Airport police of my neck, but when I turned around after my check she was gone.

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Tick Tock Tick tock

Joseph Vilachi: I don't know where that bag has gone.

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: So you don't, Anjou

A Scream is heard as the needle goes into Joseph Vilachi

(30 seconds) Scene 1 Act 3 Final Shot – The Exit
Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Clear up the mess (To Coppers)

Antonio Salvatore Mosca: Find the women, get the bag (To Anjou)

In this scene you can see Anjou switches the lights of while Antonio Salvatore Mosca is looking at a chess piece.

Then there is a Voice-over
It's not always Game over; some times it is the beginning of a new game.

Then the credits read Check mate.
